Child Support and Alimony Attorney, Hernando County, Florida
The financial support of children is a fundamental obligation of parenthood. At Morris Law Group of Brooksville Florida, it is the job of our attorneys to ensure that our clients, both those paying child support and those receiving it, are treated fairly and in accordance with the law. We advise and represent clients in all matters involving child support, including:
- Determination of the child support level
- Modifications in child support
- Enforcement of child support orders
- Paternity and child support
In Florida the required level child support is determined by formulas in the law, which change periodically. These formulas are based on the incomes of the parents and the number of children, adjusted for certain expenses such as school tuition, medical expenses, day care and summer camp expenses. These expenses are divided between the parties based on their incomes and abilities to pay. The court will also consider support obligations to children of other relationships in its calculations. Shared custody arrangements may also affect the amount of support owed by one parent to the other.
After a divorce, your life and the needs of your children can change. For example, when a significant change in income occurs due to a parent’s job promotion or layoff, you can obtain a modification in the child support payment.
At Morris Law Group of Brooksville Florida, we believe that no one should receive less child support or be made to pay more support than is required by law unless the parties agree. A lawyer at our firm can usually obtain a modification in the support level efficiently and for an affordable fee. Some aspects of child support are more complex however, such as when a parent is self-employed or has hidden income.