Hit and Run Defense Attorney, Hernando County, Florida
In and around Hernando County, Florida, there are thousands of minor car accidents and near accidents every day. The Police Department maintains a hit and run detail because many accidents involve drivers who for whatever reason leave the scene before a complete investigation occurs.
We often have cases where a female is at fault in a minor wreck, but who feels unsafe and does not want to get out of her vehicle at the time and place of the accident. We have had other clients who had been drinking and did not want to take the chance that they might be considered intoxicated. We have had other clients who were unaware that their vehicle made contact with another vehicle.
If you have been involved in an accident that you think may trigger a hit and run investigation, let us guide you through the process. In most instances, we can avoid criminal action and even eliminate the need for you to meet with the police.
We also defend those of you who are facing a DPS driver’s license suspension hearing or a DPS license revocation hearing, whether for being a habitual violator, an uninsured at-fault driver, or for medical or other reasons. When necessary and if permitted by law, we can help you get an occupational license.
Attorney Robert A. Morris Jr, started his practice in 1994 while living in the back of his office on a side road in Brooksville. Over the past 14 years his practice has grown into a full service law firm catering to the diverse clientele of the area. Over the past 17+ years he has worked both with, and against the local court systems and County government for the benefit of his clients and has developed an intricate knowledge of the ins and outs of our system.
The Attorneys of Morris Law Group are Dedicated to Aggressive Representation of Your Legal Rights.